BAV Mitteilungen
The BAV Mitteilungen (BAVM) contain the results of the observations by the members of the BAV since their foundation in 1950. Between 1950 and 1981 most of the BAV Mitteilungen were published in the Astronomische Nachrichten (e.g. BAVM 3), later on quite often in the IBVS (e.g. BAVM 40).IBVS(Information Bulletin of Variable Stars). Tere these BAVM are available online. Till today the results contain more than 41.000 maxima and minima on eclipsing binaries, pulsating variables, semiregular-, RV-Tauri- and cataclysmic variables. Furthermore the BAV works on individual variables to determine the elements of light variations and in the last years also on the discovery of variables and their classification. The target group of the BAV Mitteilungen are mainly professional astronomers. Below you will find a list of the BAV Mitteilungen from were you can select an individual number. You can directly read most of the BAV Mitteilungen as pdf-files through the link of the title Due to copyright-restrictions, this is not possible in some cases and you will be redirected to an address outside of the BAV-website. Additions to BAV Mitteilungen like data-files are marked through a letter behind the Mitteilungs-number (e.g. BAVM 229). These additional files can only be selected by a click on their title, not by entering the number. You can also get a list of the BAV Mitteilungen as printable pdf-file. F E H L E R beim Lesen der Datei ./trans-tab.lst Bitte informieren Sie den Webmaster. |